Note: Keep in freezer - storage temperature < 18 C 1 unit - for 50L Milk
WHAT IS A CHEESE CULTURE? A cheese culture is a group of specific bacteria strains put together (usually by a culture company) for making a specific cheese.
HOW DO CHEESE CULTURES WORK? All cultures do the same basic work. Cheese cultures rapidly raise the acidity of milk by consuming the lactose (milk sugar) present and converting it into lactic acid. This disables the already-present bacteria and helps the rennet (or coagulant being used) to set the cheese.
While it is possible to make cheese without a cheese culture, using a cheese culture helps good bacteria in the milk flourish and leads to a more fully developed flavor in the final cheese.
Cultures fall into two different categories: Thermophilic and Mesophilic.
These can be purchased as a freeze-dried powder. They are living organisms, so it is best if they are kept in the freezer between uses.
Thermophilic means “heat loving.” Cheeses made with thermophilic cultures can tolerate higher temperatures. Mozzarella and yogurt are made with thermophilic cultures.
Mesophilic means “non-heat loving.” This is what most cheeses are made with that are not heated above 102 degrees. Ceddar, Farmer’s cheese, Paneer, queso fresco, cottage cheese, cultured buttermilk and sour cream, as well as others, are made from this culture.
Directions: Mozarella / Russian: Introduce the culture in aseptic conditions into a tank with standardized 34-38 С milk mix. After the inoculation of the starter culture, stir the milk intensively for 20 minutes. Repeat the stirring process in 1 hour.
Ceddar / Parmesan Introduce the culture into a normalized milk mix at the recommended T 32-34 С. After culture application, intensely mix the milk within 20 minutes.
Dutch Introduce the culture into a normalized milk mix at the recommended T 30- 34 С. After culture application, intensely mix the milk within 20 minutes. Duration of milk ripening after starter culture application up to pH 4.6-4.7: - at 30-32 °С is 11-12 h; - at 33-34 °С is 9-10 h.
Cottage Introduce the culture into a normalized milk mix at the recommended T 30- 34 С. After culture application, intensely mix the milk within 20 minutes. Repeat the stirring process in 1 hour. Length of the fermentation process from the moment of starter inoculation until 4.6-4.7 pH: at 30-32 °С = 9-10 hrs.; at 33-34 °С = 8-9 hrs.