Micro Nutrients / Trace Elements These are required in small quantities by the plant, but they are still essential for plant health and production. The trace elements are Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn) and without them plants will exhibit a variety of deficiency symptoms.
Iron Chelates are organic elements that bind the iron like a claw, so that the iron remains available in the solution, thus available to the plant. A plant can only absorb nutrients that are dissolved in water. Fertilization of iron is always dosed in chelated form. This, because iron easily precipitates when in contact with other elements. This precipitation is prevented by adding iron to the solution through chelates.
Different types of iron chelates There are different types of iron chelates, all with their own characteristics. The strength of the chelate is depending heavily on the pH level of the solution, for example in the substrate mats or in the soil. Several chelates are present on the market to suit every pH level in the root environment.
Stability in relation to the pH EDTA 3-6 DTPA 3-6,5 EDDHA 3-10
- DTPA chelates are used the most. This because most cultivations remain a pH below 6.5. The iron DTPA is therefore stable and available to the crops.
Uses 1. For the correction of iron defiency in agricultural, horticultural, and fruit crops. Recommended for foliar application or application to acid soils. 2. Apply where there is a recognized need. Do not exceed the appropriate dose rate 4. Compatible with all other chelates and many crop care chemicals. Also compatible with solutions containing soluble phosphates such as liquid feeds and foliar fertilizers