Derived from palm oil and glycerin, it’s considered an excellent emollient and skin-repairing ingredient. It’s included in cosmetics due to its mix of fatty acids that skin can use to repair its surface and resist moisture loss. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as fractionated coconut oil.
Purified and standardized, feels dryer, less "greasy" and is highly stable because it's all saturated fat, the more unstable fatty acids having been removed. Widely use in formulations because of its lack of color and odor, as well as for its stability. Great stability and resistance to oxidation, that it has an almost indefinite shelf life.
Properties: Exceptional low-viscosity emollient & lubricant leaving a soft & non-greasy feel, improves spreading of creams & lotions, excellent vehicle & solvent for lipophilic active ingredients & UV filters (improves their effectiveness).
Use: Can be added to formulas as is. Add to oil phase of formula. Usual final concentration 5-50%. For external use only. Widely applicable as emollient for "oil-free products", non-oxidizing fat base & solvent of active ingredients in skin, hair care & makeup products. You may find this ingredient in personal care products such as facial moisturizer, lipstick, anti-aging serums, sunscreen, foundation, eye cream and lip/eye liner.