A general rule of thumb to follow when making up your own blend is Prague 1 is used for meats that you can cook after curing and Prague 2 can be used with cured meats that are eaten without cooking.
Pink Salt #1 / Also known as ""Pink Salt", "Quick Cure", "Curing Salt #1" or "Instacure #1"
Perfect for wet-curing/preserving sausages, white fish, ham, salami's, all types of bacon and more.
Contains 6.25% Sodium Nitrite
Use to preserve and wet-cure cooked meats like ham, salami, sausage, jerky, fish, and bacon.
For every 1 Kg of meat for curing you will need to weigh out 2.5g Prague Powder #1, you’ll also need to add 27.5g of additional salt to make up the blend. If you require a sweet cure you can add up to 20g of sugar or other sweetener like honey, treacle or golden syrup to the mix. If you do use a wet sweetener like honey or treacle, add them to the cure once the meat has been salted and is in a curing bag. This saves on a lot of mess moving meat around that is covered in a sticky sweet substances.
When weighing Prague Powder#1 we always recommend using scales that have the ability to measure grams up to two decimal places.
Adding herbs and spices to your cure adds flavour and character to your finished bacon and couldn’t be easier. One word of caution though, if using strong flavours and hot spices, just be careful and go a little easy until you know how it affects the finished product.
We recommend this method for curing under vacuum. This method ensures the cure is in very close contact with the meat and allows for a quicker and more even cure.
The ingredients have been adjusted to work for a 200g packet of Prague Powder #1.

Weigh out the chilled water and dissolve the salt and Prague powder #1 in the water. Stir/agitate until everything is completely dissolved. The brine is then ready for use. Keep the brine refrigerated before use. If a sweeter cure is desired add an additional 4.0% (350g for the recipe above) sugar to the brine.
The amount of brine required is half the weight of the meat that you are curing (50 parts brine:100 parts meat.). If required some of the brine solution can be injected into the meat.
Use a suitably sized container s othat sufficient brine is left to fully cover the meat. Store brine below 5ºC, but not below 0ºC.
Allow to cure one day per half inch (13mm) thickness of meat, plus 2 days.
After use the brine should be discarded.
Pink Curing Salt #2, also known as Prague Powder #2 or InstaCure #2
Use for long, slow cures of meat (weeks to months)
Contains 4% Sodium Nitrate and 6% Sodium Nitrite
Perfect to preserve and dry-cure salami, pepperoni, prosciutto and much more.
Generally used for meats that will be dry-cured for an extended time, which also do not require cooking, smoking or refrigeration before consumption.
Prague Powder #2 Dry Cure for making dry cured and air dried charcuterie
Prague Powder #2 has been developed as easy-to-use cure mix which can be used as a dry cure, which when simply mixed with additional salt is immediately ready for use. The cure mix contains the necessary ingredients for successful curing i.e. nitrate, nitrate and salt to produce traditional-style dry cured meats. This cure is ideally suited to smaller processors.

* Sugar levels are suggested only and will depend on specific recipe.
(Whole muscle)
De-bone and trim the meat.
Ensure the Prague powder is thoroughly mixed with the salt and sugar (if required) before application.
Ensure the curing mixture is distributed evenly, particularly in pockets and cavities.
Vacuum pack meat and refrigerate (Store at 2ºC – 4ºC).
Allow to cure one day per half inch (13mm) thickness of meat, plus 2 days.
Turn every day to achieve an even cure. Apply date sticker for records.
Once curing is finished, rinse off excess curing salt and ensure fully dried.
The meat is now ready for air drying at specific Temp and RH limits.
(Sausage mixtures)
Ensure the Prague powder is thoroughly mixed with the salt, sugar (if required) and other spices and herbs before application.
Ensure the curing mixture is distributed evenly throughout the mixture.
Stuff the sausage into casings.
Apply date and weight sticker for records
Allow to cure in accordance with recipe prior to air drying.
Air dry at specific Temp and RH limits until target drying is achieved.
NOTE: Take care to avoid contact with other meats in fridge to avoid cross-contamination by nitrite.
Not to be confused with Pink Himalayan Salt, pink curing salt is a mixture of sodium chloride (table salt) and sodium nitrite / nitrate. It is dyed pink so that it won’t be confused with table salt, it should not be used in excess. Though it is used to cure meat, it is not present in finished, cured meats in a high enough dosage to cause issues.
This makes it entirely safe for the curing process.
As a curing agent, these salts serves to inhibit foreign growth and helps to maintain meat flavour and appearance.
We typically recommend 10g per 3.5kg of meat or 1 level teaspoon per every 2.5kg of meat.
it’s important to remember that pink curing salt by itself is harmful to humans when consumed directly. It should never be used as regular table salt and should not be sprinkled on food for flavoring. Pink curing salt is just that—curing salt. The most important health benefit of this salt is that it removes harmful microorganisms from meats, making them safe to eat.
Garam Curing Pink # 2, juga dikenali sebagai Prague Powder # 2 atau InstaCure # 2
Mengandungi 4% Sodium Nitrate and 6% Sodium Nitrite
Digunakan untuk penyembuhan daging yang lama dan perlahan (minggu hingga bulan)
Sempurna untuk mengawet dan mengeringkan salami, pepperoni, prosciutto dan banyak lagi.
Untuk apa anda menggunakan garam pengawet?
Garam pengawetan digunakan dalam pemprosesan daging untuk menghasilkan warna merah jambu dan untuk memanjangkan jangka hayat. Ini adalah agen warna dan alat untuk memudahkan pengawetan makanan kerana ia mencegah atau melambatkan kerosakan bakteria atau jamur.
Penting untuk diingat bahawa garam penyembuhan merah jambu itu sendiri berbahaya bagi manusia apabila dimakan secara langsung. Ia tidak boleh digunakan sebagai garam meja biasa dan tidak boleh ditaburkan pada makanan untuk perasa. Garam penyembuh merah jambu hanya itu — garam penyembuhan. Manfaat kesihatan garam yang paling penting ialah ia menghilangkan mikroorganisma berbahaya dari daging, menjadikannya selamat untuk dimakan.
Kami biasanya mengesyorkan 10g setiap 3.5kg daging atau 1 sudu teh setiap 2.5kg daging